Tonina Seminara

Administrative Assistant

About Tonina

Tonina Seminara is the heart and soul of our team, orchestrating seamless events and ensuring the well-being of everyone in the office. As the wife of our director, Lou, Tonina brings warmth and hospitality to every interaction, making us feel like family.

With her meticulous attention to detail and innate sense of hospitality, Tonina expertly coordinates our events, from client gatherings to team celebrations, ensuring that every occasion is memorable and enjoyable for all.

In addition to her event planning prowess, Tonina ensures that no one in the office goes hungry, delighting us with delicious meals and snacks that fuel our productivity and bring us together as a team.

Beyond her official role, Tonina's kindness and generosity create a supportive and nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Her contributions to our team extend far beyond her job description, making her an indispensable part of our workplace community.